Certifications: quality of Campana Forni works and the international acknowledgments

Certifications are a further proof on the quality of the everyday work of Campana Forni.

The field of metal heat treatments and industrial furnaces is infact subject to high risks, so it is necessary to scrupulously follow national and international legislation regarding safety.

The professionalism that marks our work expresses itself not only in the quality of our works and of the materials, but also with the desire of put pen to paper our method through the obtaining on certifications and acknowledgments.

We own, infact, certifications related to machines directive: the EN-1090 EXC3. This directive is an European law that allows to realize installations in compliance with the law.

Certifications like the EN-1090 EXC3 also validates the correct development of production process, in addition to the mandatory certificate released by the engineer in charge.

Campana Forni also owns other certifications, such as the one called Industry 4.0. This one is an European circular letter, also called Circolare 4E of 03/30/2017, that allows to obtain the incentives for the digitalization of the business.

These, in addition to increase our reputation, are a further proof of our costant effort for an incessant improvement. For us, infact, the satisfaction of the client is the main purpose, but there is also the certainty of following the rules and putting safety at the first place.

This happens only thanks to the passion that we put in our works, that is the base of our everyday actions and also of our relationship with the client, marked by extreme flexibility and willingness. Our know-how allows us to project complete customized solutions.

Quality and selected processes, rather than quantity, are the purpose we follow every day. And the attestation obtained are the demonstration of this company philosophy, that we adopted since our opening, 30 years ago.


EN-1090 EXC3

European law 4E of 03/30/2017

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